Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Capitalism: The beginning and the end

Searching the adequate definition for this word across many different dictionaries (in which I found almost the same answer) I would like to write here the definition from the Oxford English Dictionary in which this word is defined as:
noun an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

The origins of modern capitalism and markets can be traced back to the Roman Empire, at it's simplest form, from where it evolved to today's form as we know it. Throughout history many different authors emerged and gave their contribution in the economy field and paved the road for today's economic systems and their variations which are implemented all over the World. It's enough to look at the highly developed countries as USA, Japan, Germany ( which all of them have one or another form of capitalism) to realize, though all of them are open market countries, it's unlikely to find the same ( or close to same) open market rules and regulations in which this markets ( demand and supply) work and thrives. However all of them have one in common and that is highly developed stock exchange markets where you can trade with stocks, bonds, financial derivatives, etc.. Nowadays you don't need to have diploma in Economics to own, buy or sell stocks or bonds, today common workers own stocks at the companies in which they work ( or in some other as well) or put their money in some thrust funds to do that job instead of them.

Every day new companies emerge on one or another stock exchange offering their stocks and bonds for trading to the public as well as the current companies do with new blocks of stocks/bonds. The question stays: Why any company offers stocks? And the obvious answer would be: One company publishes stocks to gain some liquid assets ( dollars, euros, etc..) which is so much needed for their current or future investments. It's very simple actually... When one company needs money to do it's basic operations or for some investment it has two options to gain that so much needed dollars: to sell stocks or to sell bonds ( also it could combine this two operations e.g 60% of the funds to collect from bonds and 40% from stocks). For those who still don't realize what is bond and what is stock i would like to write here the definitions of stock and bond taken from the Oxford English Dictionary:
1. the capital of a company raised through the issue and subscription of shares.

2. (stocks) a portion of a company’s stock held by an individual or group as an investment.
(it had other definitions as well but these are the one that are relevant to know what stock means in economic terms)
1. a certificate issued by a government or a public company promising to repay borrowed money at a fixed rate of interest at a specified time.

Knowing this now the question is how is determined the price of some stock or bond? ( sure someone can say just look at the local stock market and that's it!! but here I'm talking about all those elements who form the price of some current stock). So the price of some stock reflects the current condition of that company, (in lames terms how good that company stands nowadays!!) e.g. is that company liquid, is it investing and in what fields, how much bonuses the managers are receiving yearly, is the company expanding in new markets, does it have some legal problems etc. Oh well... it should be like that... but is it!? Today the company's stocks are everything but mirrors of their condition!! Nowadays investing in stocks are more and more becoming nothing more than gambling and for all of those who will criticize me just remember what happened to ENRON, I can't remember now but I saw somewhere a list of top ten companies who will last forever and ENRON was on that list too. Is there anyone who gained huge profit with trading stocks today, because and only because of his own intellect and individual effort to project where that company will be in the near and distant future? I think that era, the era of Warren Buffett, is over. Today you can make huge profit only if you have some inside information and with speculation ( as I would like to say: "raping the market")